Here is a list of the currently available plugins for Migration Master. These plugins may have been developed by Image Mentor, or by a third
party. Plugins that have been developed and\or certified by Image Mentor have been marked with the following image:
If you are a developer or company that would like to have your plugin listed on this page, please contact us.

Source Models
Documentum ApplicationXtender
Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor, and supports ApplicationXtender version 4.5 or greater.
This plugin requires that the ApplicationXtender product must be installed and working on the computer that is using the Migration Master product.
Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor, and
supports ScanFile 2000 and ScanFile 2003 databases. It will allow
you to do export of files located on the ScanFile Retrival CDs,
as long as the images are stored in their native format, and not
within a ScanFile Cluster File. |

Export Models
ApplicationXtender Index Image Import Format
Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor. It will allow you to create an Index Image Import formatted
index file with the associated document files. This can be used to create a set of information that other users can immediatly import
into their existing ApplicationXtender system. |
Kodak AWIS
Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor. It
is used to export documents for writing to microfilm. This has been
used for customers that have both the Kodak AWIS and the Fuji document
archive writers. This plugin currently only supports image files. |
Basic Index File
| Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor. It
is used for basic index exporting. Any file type is supported, and
the exported index file can be delimited, CSV or fixed width. |

Custom Converters
Standard Image Format Converter
Included with Product |
This plugin will allow you to do basic
image conversion functions within the product. This includes to
and from the following standard image formats: TIF, BMP, JPG, JBIG,
Image PDF |
Text to Image Converter
Included with Product |
This plugin will allow you to convert flat ASCII text
files to images. This is used to create things such as microfiche
or microfilm of your text documents or print files. This will allow
you to take a text file, split it into individual image pages, and
format the text along with page dimensions and DPI. |
PDF to Tiff
Included with Product |
This plugin has been developed by Image Mentor. It
is used to take PDF Image+Text documents, and convert them to standard
TIFF image formats. Since the Migration Master application can then
convert to other image formats, you can sucessfully convert these
types of PDF files to any standard image format. |